How chlamydia infection occurs

And how not to get or become infected with chlamydia.
Ways of contracting a chlamydia infection

Sexual contact: The main way chlamydia is transmitted is through sexual contact with an infected partner. This can include vaginal, anal, or oral sex.

Vertical transmission: An infected mother can pass chlamydia to her baby during childbirth, which can lead to infection in the newborn.

Shared items: Although less common, infection can sometimes be transmitted through shared items such as towels or toys if they have been in contact with an infected person's secretions. (I read the case history of one couple who were being treated for chlamydia. They observed total sterility, used different towels, toilets, treated door handles with spritum, to me this is overkill).

Medical procedures: Rarely, but sometimes, chlamydia can be transmitted through medical procedures if non-sterile equipment is used.

Newborn babies: Some chlamydia infections can occur in newborn babies due to infected mothers.

Chlamydia pneumoniae are transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets when infected people cough or sneeze while in close contact with other people, who in turn breathe in air containing the bacteria. So if you drink from the same bottle or kiss, you have a good chance of getting infected. Chlamydia trachomatis can be picked up in the same way only instead of your genital system, you'll have a sore throat. So think about that when you drink from the same mug as someone else.
How not to get chlamydia and other STIs

Have sex without a condom with the person you have analyzed, everything else is only a condom for any kind of sex.

For Men: After sex with a condom, without taking it off, wash the penis, scrotum, and the entire groin area including thighs with soap, you can treat with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, Spiramycin. Then we take off the condom and it is necessary to pee.

If sex was without a condom, repeat the procedure as described above, but wash well the penis, head Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, with a syringe pour into the urethra and hold 2 minutes. (This can not be done often because you can kill all the useful flora in your urethra) After that immediately go to pee.

For Women: If you have had sex without a condom, you need to take a syringe and pour into the vlogalishka Miramistin or Chlorhexidine for 2 minutes, and treat the outer surface of the genitals, as well as legs and pubes, in short, everything that is near. If your partner used a condom in theory infection is unlikely, but it is better to be reinsured.

If you had oral sex, definitely gargle your throat with antiseptics Miramistin or Chlorhexidine, Spiramycin.

Do not kiss and do not drink from the same bottle with strangers, as well as your loved ones should observe these rules. Besides chlamydia, you can get other diseases like the popular Helicobacter. (Yes it's wild, but it's better to get tested and stick to your partner).

You need to realize that the more partners you have, the more chances you have of getting an STI, you can get infected even if it is your first time having sex. So ideally find the right partner and take care of each other. Diseases are getting worse and worse to cure every year and diagnosing them is becoming more and more difficult.
Read how to correctly identify chlamydia
The chronic chlamydia treatment regimen that helped me get on with my life

Learn my long journey of dealing with chronic chlamydia

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